inspire america


Our goals are very simple – help wherever we can as much as we can. Whether it’s children’s causes, family and senior causes, inner-city outreach, military family issues, aiding the homeless or any number of other projects that will help people in communities across the Nashville Metropolitan Area, we want to be involved. Join us as we Inspire Nashville.

We believe everywhere we go, we have the opportunity to have church and share The Gospel. Building a community where everyone is welcome, loved and filled with Grace is important, and we believe that extends outside the walls of a church building to every corner of the city.

MarcHeadshot copy

Pastor Marc Robert Hewlett
Ministry Director and Pastor

Pastor Marc is committed to being there for those who feel like they are alone. After years doing inner-city Street Ministry in Atlanta, his passion for the lost overwhelms his heart. He believes that by sharing The Gospel in areas consumed by darkness, we can raise up the next generation to ignite revival and break generational cycles of poverty, struggle and hopelessness. He believes that Jesus can meet anyone, anywhere, and change the course they are on, and that saved people save people, served people serve people, and loved people love people.

Contact Pastor Marc at


JOhnHeadshotJohn Haring
Executive Director

John has had a varied professional life in business, higher education, IT, print and broadcast media, and music. A colleague once called him a “Swiss Army Knife of Business” because of his experience in so many different types of businesses and departments. Trained in business, accounting, computer science, and the music business, John has a unique mix of experience and talents well-suited to run a multi-faceted non-profit organization. He calls working at The Inspire America Foundation his “Dream Job” and an opportunity to do good for so many.

Contact John at

Contact Us:
The Inspire America Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 121403
Nashville, TN 37212


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